About the Project

The main project objective is “Promote and improve climate change awareness in European peripheral rural communities through a knowledge based approach and community led sustainable resource planning that will mitigate against future climate impact and incorporating transnational collaboration through a best practice model which will improve preparedness for sustainable environmental management in future years”.

Involved UK and Irish partners’ learnt significantly from the climate adaptation expertise of Scandinavian & Faroes partners whilst UK and Irish partners’ shared their knowledge & experience of effectively utilising a ‘bottom-up’ community led approach to achieving desired results. 

The project partners came together to analyse and evaluate climate change issues and to use best practice models to develop a method for development of a Climate Adaptation Plan and Preparedness Scale matrix for local authorities. This project provided an opportunity for significant delivery of change on a transnational basis, the project explored possibilities and practical solutions across the regions. This included opportunities to explore what works in one region and how this can be transferred – particularly from a policy and implementation point of view.

The project created new environmental management solutions such as the model for development of a Climate Adaptation Plan for local and central government that can be modified and adopted across the NPA region. 

The transnational partners brought a blend of practitioners, policy makers, statutory agencies as well as academia together to develop an approach to specific issues which each impacts upon the other and which offered the opportunity for shared learning and knowledge transfer. The primary research methods into Climate Change used in Sweden, Faroe Islands, Norway, Finland and Iceland enabled the transfer of knowledge to Northern Ireland & Republic of Ireland where organisations in these countries used their skills in community engagement/environmental education to bring the results of the primary research to a new audience.