Project Partners gather in the Faroe Islands

The latest bi-annual steering group meeting was held 4th-7th June in the Faroe Islands.

The conference was hosted by project partners, the University of the Faroe Islands. Over the 3 days, partners were updated on new research undertaken and decisions were made regarding the creation of climate adaptation plans and engaging key stakeholders.

Day one of the conference covered;
- Discussions held on the the research completed to date (Mid Sweden University and Climate Ireland)
- Overview of workshops delivered to local authorities/municipalities in Northern Ireland and Sweden Climate Northern Ireland - Climate Adaptation Model Options Assessment.

Day two covered;
- Project Steering Group Meeting
- Stakeholder Engagement Workshop
- PR and Communications Workshop
- Presentations and Workshops for Municipalities

We also had the opportunity to explore the Islands, including Sornfelli Metrological Station to learn about the extreme weather  the Islands are facing and the impacts on their homes, livestock and transport.