Project Steering Group Meeting

The second project steering group meeting was held in Derry, Northern Ireland in November 2017. Over the three days, project partners gave detailed updates on each individual work package, including what had been done to date and what will be happening over the next 6 months.

Partners spent time having informed discussions on new research carried out and how this would impact the development of best practise models for climate adaptation plans. Time was spent sharing knowledge and bringing together ideas from different partner regions, highlighting how certain practises can be transferred to other regions to assist with the need to adapt for our changing climate.

A guided tour of the Guildhall in Derry took place, which gave partners an insight into the history of the city and how it has progressed over the years. A tour of two of the city's parks, St. Columb's Park and Brook Park also took place. This highlighted how climate change is affecting the development of the city's green infrastructure and how it needs to be at the fore of future decision making to prepare for the changing climate.