Stakeholder Workshop - Derry City and Strabane District Council

On 17th April, the Climate project held a workshop for staff of Derry City and Strabane District Council.

The aim of the workshop was to raise awareness of the Climate project, the issues surrounding Climate change and how this impacts on different Departments within the council. The workshop kicked off with a presentation from project manager Cathy Burns, who gave an overview of the climate project - project partners, work to date and the anticipated outputs of the project. There were also presentations from Jane McCullough from Climate NI who addressed Expected impacts of climate change in Northern Ireland and Dr. Barry O'Dwyer from Climate Ireland who detailed learning opportunities for the project from his experience in the Republic of Ireland. 

Following on from the presentations, the attendees got involved in a breakout session to reflect on historic extreme weather events, the impacts of this on services provided by the council and how these impacts could be reduced in the future.

The session closed with an overview of the next steps for the project and how climate change is impacting each department within the council whether directly or indirectly and how adaptation measures need to be incorporated into the core of future decision making.