Workshop in Sundsvall, Sweden

On 20th April, a workshop was held in Sundsvall, Sweden and was attended by seven municipalities, the County of Västernorrland, SMHI and other service providers. Details of the CLIMATE Project, its aim and objectives were presented to the attendees. Joakim Bergsten from Sundsvall´s Municipality presented their work with cloudburst and heatwaves to give examples on climate adaptation planning and for inspiration for other communes. This was followed by a presentation from Anna Jonsson, National climate adaptation expert, who presented the new guide/tool that aims at facilitating the climate adaptation work in small/medium-sized communes. Viveka Sjödin from the County Administration gave a presentation about their new, revised climate adaptation plan (regional).

During the workshop, participants broke into smaller groups and focused on discussing obstacles/difficulties when working with climate adaptation plans. The main outcome from this was that most of the organizations are already working with climate adaptation somehow but they need more knowledge and resources to improve the planning. Obstacles identified included difficulty knowing how to prioritize, lack of coordination (unclear responsibility and no one has the “umbrella” perspective) and lack of knowledge about specific impacts from future climate change. This was really useful in helping to understand the needs of decision makers when incorporating climate adaptation measures into their work.