Outputs and Results

Through the establishment of relevant partnerships across the NPA region the CLIMATE project led to a change of attitudes in relation to how innovative solutions towards Climate Change Adaptation are developed and implemented by local and central government. In addition the project complemented the NPA programme strategy anticipated result of enhancing the capacity and preparedness of local and regional communities to handle the risks connected to climate change through the development of the risk register/preparedness scale and climate adaptation plan model for local, regional and central government. 


Climate Adaptation Planning Model

A best practice model and step by step guide has been developed for local authorities across the NPA region. The model outlines the key steps necessary for the creation of a climate adaptation plan and includes guidance, support tools and case studies. 

The support tools include templates for workshops, stakeholder engagement, risk analysis, preparedness scales and action planning.

A dedicated website has been launched to host the model http://www.climate-project.net 

Climate Adaptation Plans

Sundsvall Municipality completed detailed Cloudburst Strategy and Heatwave Guidelines for the city as part of their wider climate adaptation agenda. This has helped inform infrastructure development and management of city assets to ensure resilience against climate impacts from severe weather events.

Harnosand Municpality completed a climate adaptation plan and communication tools including an animation highlighting the risks from climate change. The climate adaptation plan focuses on the municipalities governance, preparedness and knowledge. Work has also included mapping and a detailed cloudburst model for the city.

Harnosand Municipality - Climate Adaptation Video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9ZQYdcxAVs&feature=youtu.be 

Derry City & Strabane District Council have developed the first local authority climate adaptation plan in Northern Ireland. The plan will seek to ensure that;

“Derry City & Strabane District Council is prepared for and resilient to the effects of climate change creating a safe and sustainable region for all” 

Derry City & Strabane District Council Climate Adaptation Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Wo7WwKgBXs


Project partners University College Cork and Mid Sweden University led on the development of 2 research papers as part of the project as well as a Palgrave book chapter. Soon to be published these outline the policy context for adaptation planning and the process of planning in practice. The findings suggest effective adaptation mainstreaming and policy coherence in the context of global climate risks call for a transboundary approach that brings forward forms of governance with the capacity to support context-specific yet transferrable adaptation strategies.


Project partner RAPID have managed and delivered a range of communication initiatives throughout the project. The project website has been created and social media platforms (add links) used to highlight the ongoing work of the partners. A series of transnational conferences have ensured collaboration and involvement across the regions, as well as dissemination of the project newsletters and updates was delivered in order to keep stakeholders informed of project outputs.

Evaluation Report

The University of the Faroe Islands undertook a monitoring and evaluation exercise of the CLIMATE project culminating in a final report. The report found that a large amount of knowledge on climate change, environmental management and policy, and research on adaptation planning methodology has been produced during the three years of the project. The climate adaptation plans have significantly increased the preparedness of the participating municipalities. The dissemination of results, through the knowledge sharing platform and various stakeholder engagement activities is already having a positive ripple effect at regional levels with an increasing number of municipalities, authorities and organisations are taking inspiration from the project to increase their preparedness for climate change. The project has delivered significant research and educational contributions as well as extensive communication and awareness on the issue of climate change.

International Conference Iceland 2020

The closing conference held on Friday 22nd November provided an opportunity for partners to share experience and expertise as well as hear from associate partners and gain insight into climate change impacts in Iceland.